Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Dimorphodon Facts and Figures

Dimorphodon Facts and Figures Name: Dimorphodon (Greek for two-formed tooth); pronounced die-MORE-foe-don Habitat: Shores of Europe and Central America Historical Period: Middle-late Jurassic (175-160 million years ago) Size and Weight: Wingspan of four feet and a few pounds Diet: Unknown; possibly insects rather than fish Distinguishing Characteristics: Large head; long tail; two different types of teeth in jaws About Dimorphodon Dimorphodon is one of those animals that looks like it was assembled wrong out of the box: its head was much bigger than that of other pterosaurs, even near-contemporaries like Pterodactylus, and seems to have been borrowed from a larger, terrestrial theropod dinosaur and planted on the end of its small, slender body. Of equal interest to paleontologists, this middle- to late Jurassic pterosaur had two types of teeth in its beaked jaws, longer ones in front (presumably intended for snagging its prey) and shorter, flatter ones in back (presumably for grinding this prey up into an easily swallowed mush)- hence its name, Greek for two shapes of tooth. Discovered relatively early in paleontological history- in early 19th century England by the amateur fossil-hunter Mary Anning- Dimorphodon has occasioned its share of controversy, since scientists didnt have a framework of evolution within which to understand it. For example, the famous (and notoriously cranky) English naturalist Richard Owen insisted that Dimorphodon was a terrestrial four-footed reptile, while his rival Harry Seeley was a bit closer to the mark, speculating that Dimorphodon might have run on two legs. It took years for scientists to realize that they were dealing with a winged reptile. Ironically, according to the latest research, it may be the case that Owen was right after all. The big-headed Dimorphodon simply doesnt appear to have been built for sustained flight; at most, it may have been capable of fluttering clumsily from tree to tree, or briefly flapping its wings to escape larger predators. This may have been an early case of secondary flightlessness, since a pterosaur that lived tens of millions of years before Dimorphodon, Preondactylus, was an accomplished flyer. Almost certainly, to judge by its anatomy, Dimorphodon was more accomplished at climbing trees than gliding through the air, which would make it the Jurassic equivalent of the contemporary flying squirrel. For this reason, many experts now believe that Dimorphodon subsisted on terrestrial insects, rather than being a pelagic (ocean-flying) hunter of small fish.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Italian Slang Dictionary and Expressions

Italian Slang Dictionary and Expressions Want to understand common slang words and colloquial expressions in Italian? Below is an Italian slang dictionary with definitions in English. Italian Slang Dictionary A accidente m. nothing, zip; (lit.): an accident.alito puzzolente m. bad breath; (lit.): stinking breath.allocco m. a stupid person, a jerk; (lit.): an owl.alzare il gomito exp. to drink; (lit.): to raise an elbow.amore a prima vista exp. love at first sight: È stato amore a prima vista! It was love at first sight!avere un chiodo fisso in testa exp. to be fixated on something; (lit.): to have a nail fixed in the head. Tommaso pensa a Maria giorno e notte. Lui ha davvero un chiodo fisso in testa Thomas thinks about Maria day and night. Hes truly fixated on her. B balena f. a very fat man or woman, a fatso, fat slob; (lit.): a whale.beccare qualcuno v. to hit on someone, to pick someone up; (lit.): to peck.bel niente m. nothing, zip; (lit.): a beautiful nothing.bischero m. (Tuscany) a stupid person, a jerk.boccalone m. a big mouth, a gossip; (lit.): an enormous mouth. C ceffo m. (pejorative) ugly mug.chiudere il becco v. to shut up, to shut ones trap; (lit.): to close the beak.cicciobomba n. a fatso, fat slob; (lit.): fat bomb.colpo di fulmine exp. love at first sight; (lit.): a thunderbolt (of love).come il cacio sui maccheroni exp. just what the doctor ordered; (lit.): like cheese on macaroni. D da parte exp. aside.donnaccia f. (pejorative) slut, hussy.donnaiolo m. womanizer, playboy, flirt.due parole exp. a few words; (lit.): two words. E essere in gioco exp. to be at stake.essere nelle nuvole exp. to daydream; (lit.): to be in the clouds.essere un po di fuori exp. to be a little wacky, to be out of ones mind; (lit.): to be a little bit out. F fannullone m. a lazy bum; (lit.): do-nothing (from fare nulla, meaning to do nothing).fare il grande exp. to show off, to act like someone big; (lit.): to do the big.fare impazzire qualcuno exp. to drive someone crazy; (lit.): to make someone crazy.farsi bello(a) v. to doll oneself up.farsi una canna to have a joint.farsi una ragazza (trivial) to score with a girl.fuori come un balcone drunk.fuori di testa exp. to be out of ones mind; (lit.): to be out of ones head. G grassone/a n. a very fat man or woman, a fatso, fat slob.grattarsi la pancia exp. to twiddle ones thumbs; (lit.): to scratch ones stomach.gruzzolo m. nest egg.guastafesta n. a party pooper; (lit.): a party spoiler. I in gran parte exp. largely.in orario exp. on time.in verit exp. as a matter of fact.inghiottire il rospo exp. to eat crow; (lit.): to swallow a toad. L la vita di Michelaccio exp. the life of Riley.leccapiedi exp. brownnoser; (lit.): feet-licker.levataccia very early rising; fare una levataccia: to get up very early [or at an ungodly hour].libro giallo exp. detective or mystery story; (lit.): yellow book.limonare (familiar, regional) to make out.locale m. club or night club.   M mettere paglia al fuoco exp. to tempt fate; (lit.): to add straw to the fire.mettersi insieme exp. to start a serious relationship, to tie the knot.mollare qualcuno exp. to dump someone; (lit.): to let go of someone, to release someone.morire di/dalla noia exp. to die of boredom. N nocciolo della questione exp. crux of the matter.nuotare nelloro exp. to be rolling in money; (lit.): swimming in gold.nuovo di zecca exp. brand new; (lit.): new from the mint. O occhiataccia f. dirty look.oggi come oggi exp. as matters now stand.olio di gomito exp. elbow grease.ora di punta exp. rush hour. P parolaccia f. dirty word.piazzaiolo m. (pejorative) vulgar, mob-.pigrone/a n. a. a lazy bum (from the masculine noun pigro, meaning someone who is idle); (lit.): big lazy bum.pisello m. (popular) penis.portare male gli anni exp. not to age well; (lit.): to carry the years badly.puzzare da fare schifo exp. to stink to high heaven; (lit.): to smell/stink to disgust. Q quattro gatti exp. only a few people; (lit.): four cats. R ricco sfondato exp. rolling in money; (lit.): endlessly rich.roba da matti exp. crazy.rompere il ghiaccio exp. to break the ice.rosso come un peperone exp. as red as a beet; (lit.): as red as a pepper. S saccente (un/una) n. a know-it-all, a smart-ass; (lit.): from the verb sapere, meaning to know.saputo/a n. a know-it-all, a smart-ass; (lit.): from the verb sapere, meaning to know.scoreggia f. (pl. -ge) (vulgar) fart.scoreggiare v.i. (vulgar) to fart.scemo/a n. a stupid person, a jerk; (from the verb scemare, meaning to shrink or diminish).sfatto f. (trivial) worn out after a night of debauchery.sgualdrina f. (pejorative) trollop, strumpet, harlot, tart.spettegolare v. to gossip; (lit.): to tattle. T tabula rasa exp. a clean slate.tappo m. a very short guy; (lit.): cork.testona pelata f. a bald guy; (lit.): big peeled head.tirare un bidone a qualcuno exp. to stand someone up on a date or appointment; (lit.): to throw a trash can at someone.tutto sale e pepe exp. lively, cheerful; (lit.): all salt and pepper. U uggioso/a n. (Tuscany) boring; (lit.): an annoying person.ultima parola exp. last word, bottom line. V valere la pena exp. to be worth the trouble; (lit.): worth the grief or sorrow.vaso di Pandora exp. Pandoras box; (lit.): Pandoras vase.veloce come un razzo exp. as fast as a bullet; (lit.): as fast as a rocket.vivere alla giornata exp. to live from hand to mouth.volente o nolente exp. like it or not; (lit.): willing or unwilling. Z zitellona f. (pejorative) old maid. For more explicit expressions, try Italian Adult Slang.

Italian Slang Dictionary and Expressions

Italian Slang Dictionary and Expressions Want to understand common slang words and colloquial expressions in Italian? Below is an Italian slang dictionary with definitions in English. Italian Slang Dictionary A accidente m. nothing, zip; (lit.): an accident.alito puzzolente m. bad breath; (lit.): stinking breath.allocco m. a stupid person, a jerk; (lit.): an owl.alzare il gomito exp. to drink; (lit.): to raise an elbow.amore a prima vista exp. love at first sight: È stato amore a prima vista! It was love at first sight!avere un chiodo fisso in testa exp. to be fixated on something; (lit.): to have a nail fixed in the head. Tommaso pensa a Maria giorno e notte. Lui ha davvero un chiodo fisso in testa Thomas thinks about Maria day and night. Hes truly fixated on her. B balena f. a very fat man or woman, a fatso, fat slob; (lit.): a whale.beccare qualcuno v. to hit on someone, to pick someone up; (lit.): to peck.bel niente m. nothing, zip; (lit.): a beautiful nothing.bischero m. (Tuscany) a stupid person, a jerk.boccalone m. a big mouth, a gossip; (lit.): an enormous mouth. C ceffo m. (pejorative) ugly mug.chiudere il becco v. to shut up, to shut ones trap; (lit.): to close the beak.cicciobomba n. a fatso, fat slob; (lit.): fat bomb.colpo di fulmine exp. love at first sight; (lit.): a thunderbolt (of love).come il cacio sui maccheroni exp. just what the doctor ordered; (lit.): like cheese on macaroni. D da parte exp. aside.donnaccia f. (pejorative) slut, hussy.donnaiolo m. womanizer, playboy, flirt.due parole exp. a few words; (lit.): two words. E essere in gioco exp. to be at stake.essere nelle nuvole exp. to daydream; (lit.): to be in the clouds.essere un po di fuori exp. to be a little wacky, to be out of ones mind; (lit.): to be a little bit out. F fannullone m. a lazy bum; (lit.): do-nothing (from fare nulla, meaning to do nothing).fare il grande exp. to show off, to act like someone big; (lit.): to do the big.fare impazzire qualcuno exp. to drive someone crazy; (lit.): to make someone crazy.farsi bello(a) v. to doll oneself up.farsi una canna to have a joint.farsi una ragazza (trivial) to score with a girl.fuori come un balcone drunk.fuori di testa exp. to be out of ones mind; (lit.): to be out of ones head. G grassone/a n. a very fat man or woman, a fatso, fat slob.grattarsi la pancia exp. to twiddle ones thumbs; (lit.): to scratch ones stomach.gruzzolo m. nest egg.guastafesta n. a party pooper; (lit.): a party spoiler. I in gran parte exp. largely.in orario exp. on time.in verit exp. as a matter of fact.inghiottire il rospo exp. to eat crow; (lit.): to swallow a toad. L la vita di Michelaccio exp. the life of Riley.leccapiedi exp. brownnoser; (lit.): feet-licker.levataccia very early rising; fare una levataccia: to get up very early [or at an ungodly hour].libro giallo exp. detective or mystery story; (lit.): yellow book.limonare (familiar, regional) to make out.locale m. club or night club.   M mettere paglia al fuoco exp. to tempt fate; (lit.): to add straw to the fire.mettersi insieme exp. to start a serious relationship, to tie the knot.mollare qualcuno exp. to dump someone; (lit.): to let go of someone, to release someone.morire di/dalla noia exp. to die of boredom. N nocciolo della questione exp. crux of the matter.nuotare nelloro exp. to be rolling in money; (lit.): swimming in gold.nuovo di zecca exp. brand new; (lit.): new from the mint. O occhiataccia f. dirty look.oggi come oggi exp. as matters now stand.olio di gomito exp. elbow grease.ora di punta exp. rush hour. P parolaccia f. dirty word.piazzaiolo m. (pejorative) vulgar, mob-.pigrone/a n. a. a lazy bum (from the masculine noun pigro, meaning someone who is idle); (lit.): big lazy bum.pisello m. (popular) penis.portare male gli anni exp. not to age well; (lit.): to carry the years badly.puzzare da fare schifo exp. to stink to high heaven; (lit.): to smell/stink to disgust. Q quattro gatti exp. only a few people; (lit.): four cats. R ricco sfondato exp. rolling in money; (lit.): endlessly rich.roba da matti exp. crazy.rompere il ghiaccio exp. to break the ice.rosso come un peperone exp. as red as a beet; (lit.): as red as a pepper. S saccente (un/una) n. a know-it-all, a smart-ass; (lit.): from the verb sapere, meaning to know.saputo/a n. a know-it-all, a smart-ass; (lit.): from the verb sapere, meaning to know.scoreggia f. (pl. -ge) (vulgar) fart.scoreggiare v.i. (vulgar) to fart.scemo/a n. a stupid person, a jerk; (from the verb scemare, meaning to shrink or diminish).sfatto f. (trivial) worn out after a night of debauchery.sgualdrina f. (pejorative) trollop, strumpet, harlot, tart.spettegolare v. to gossip; (lit.): to tattle. T tabula rasa exp. a clean slate.tappo m. a very short guy; (lit.): cork.testona pelata f. a bald guy; (lit.): big peeled head.tirare un bidone a qualcuno exp. to stand someone up on a date or appointment; (lit.): to throw a trash can at someone.tutto sale e pepe exp. lively, cheerful; (lit.): all salt and pepper. U uggioso/a n. (Tuscany) boring; (lit.): an annoying person.ultima parola exp. last word, bottom line. V valere la pena exp. to be worth the trouble; (lit.): worth the grief or sorrow.vaso di Pandora exp. Pandoras box; (lit.): Pandoras vase.veloce come un razzo exp. as fast as a bullet; (lit.): as fast as a rocket.vivere alla giornata exp. to live from hand to mouth.volente o nolente exp. like it or not; (lit.): willing or unwilling. Z zitellona f. (pejorative) old maid. For more explicit expressions, try Italian Adult Slang.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Professional development and the role of mentorship Essay

Professional development and the role of mentorship - Essay Example Walsh (2010) asserts that successful mentors are those that foster growth and development in others. Indeed, within the broader precinct of education, mentors can be defined as guides and advisors in the learning process. Various scholars are of the view that mentors provide enabling environment to students in practice setting (Carnwell et al., 2007). Mentoring is core aspect of healthcare profession that serves as critical linkage in forging constructive relationships and developing skills and competencies of individuals to improve and improvise their performance. Department of Health (2001:6) describes it as ‘nurse, midwife or health visitor who facilitates learning, supervises and assesses students in the clinical setting’. As such, mentors identify and evaluate core competencies of students and help exploit them for improved performance. It is especially true for pre-registration of healthcare workers and RNs so that they are better equipped to face the challenges of the times. Hence, effective mentoring guides young nursing professionals to identify and develop their competencies for higher healthcare delivery. Role of mentor is critical aspect in the transition of students into the registered healthcare professional due to huge shift to responsibility and accountability of the changing position. Gopee (2011: 9) claims that role of mentor in nursing education is to ‘direct focus on enabling students to gain safe and effective clinical practice skills during practice placement’. He has broadened the framework of mentorship by not only expanding on the definition of DH and including the mandatory qualification and experience of registered nurses as defined by NMC but also by elaborating on the expected roles of mentors within clinical setting with context specific experience and qualifications. NMC (2008) describes eight major roles of mentors: preceptor; assessor; clinical educator; clinical supervision; clinical supervisor; Practice teacher; registrant, supervisor. Preceptor has basic minimum qualification of twelve months’ experience who facilitates students’ tra nsition to registrant (DH, 2010). These have therefore becomes vital aspects of mentors. The assessor is equipped with essential skills and knowledge to assess students’ competencies. The Clinical educators, clinical supervision and clinical supervisor help the nursing students to enhance their skills in clinical setting through effective feedback. 3. Importance of mentoring Carlisle et al., (2009) emphasize that mentors’ role as practice education facilitator (PEF in short) and personal or link tutor is vital in nursing paradigm. They have described them as teacher in nursing and midwifery who encourage students learning experiences in practice setting by assessing their skills through feedback, guidance and reflective practices. Personal tutor and link tutor are often allocated to individual students to monitor their progress and coordinate with mentors on a regular basis. In healthcare education, link tutors have evolved as essential components of practice sessions. They pace their teaching as per the students’ competencies in terms of their learning experienc

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Select a research topic of your interest and explain relevance of the Assignment

Select a research topic of your interest and explain relevance of the selected topic. Clearly define how it will benefit the ind - Assignment Example This shows that many people in the 21st century are appreciating the rapid development in technology. Therefore, it is an admissible fact that many people that are involved in economic activities have access to technology, which connects people across the globe (Khosrow-Pour, 2006:23). This creates a scenario where businesses have to use technology to improve on their services. As such, they will keep changing their approach to technology. Many people have taken the initiative of taking statistics on how technology is used in the world. These statistics have been influential in ensuring other businesses are not left behind when it comes to technology. Many businesses have been benchmarking technological advancement that is used by other businesses to ensure they are on the verge of making successful impact in the market. The statistics show that the developed countries in the world have appreciated the use of technology to greater heights. Developed countries have massive resources t hat have been used to improve their indulgence in technology. In most instances, the developing countries invest heavily in companies and firms that are allied to manufacturing technology. As such, they will have an advantage in accessing the technology that is manufactured. Similarly, developed countries have an upper hand in that they manufacture technology in bulk. This gives such countries the advantage of large scale production. As such, the technology will be retailed at lower prices. In the same line, developed countries were on the frontline in researching on the internet usage and its advantages. As such, they were on the frontline in implementing the use of technology in most parts of the economy. These countries go to greater heights in ensuring all businesses are interconnected to each other. This creates a scenario where businesses are in healthy competition in the market. This leads to high quality products offered in the market. Internet users in the developed countri es are advanced in that most of the population has access to internet services. The service providers are well established in the market and offer top notch services (Bailey, 2011:10). When the internet service providers are well established in the market, they will offer their services at subsidized prices. This is done to attract a larger demand for their services. Since the internet services are retailed at acceptable and affordable prices. As such, most of the population will feel the need to use the internet services in most of their working. The developing countries have followed the trend of savouring internet use and connection. The developing countries have taken the internet issue seriously and have gone to greater heights in ensuring most of the population are accessible to the internet. Most of the companies that offer the service in the developed countries have taken the initiative of investing in the developing countries. As such, they also give the developing countrie s priority in service delivery. Apparently, the developing countries have been influential in ensuring the internet development and use is on constant growth. Therefore, the number of people that use the internet has been increasing through the years. Virtually most of the businesses in developing countries have appreciated the need for internet connection and use, as it enhances their businesses. On the other hand,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Shopper Program Essay Example for Free

Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Shopper Program Essay Kudler Fine Foods is a local and upscale specialty food store with a total of four stores in La Jolla, Del Mar, and Encinitas California with their main base store in San Diego, California. Each store maintains and sells high quality bakery, pastries, fresh produce, meat, seafood, specialty condiments, packaged foods, cheeses, and dairy products. Kathy Kudler owner and founder of Kudler Fine Foods is looking to expand her company and market her products to new prospective clients, along with improving her services to her current clientele. Since the opening day of Kudler Fine Foods in June 1998 the business has become sustainable and profitable. Ten years later Kathy wants to implement a frequent shoppers program not only to reward her current loyal customer base but also to draw in new clientele. Installing a business system for this initiative would allow Kudler the ability to track purchasing patterns of individual customers. This would give the company a better understanding of what products are sellers and what products do not move or sell as fast. Alternatively this would give customers the opportunity to receive points from their past purchases geared toward rewards products. According to the Kudler’s sales and marketing departments research this type of system will increase revenue and cost reduction for Kudler. Kudler identifies that knowing exactly what the customers purchasing habits, supply needs, and preferences are would enable Kudler to purchase only what will be sold. Therefore, it will stop Kudler from stocking on items that do not sell and are not attractive to the customer. Kudler has different types of options on how they could advertise the new shoppers program. Because these types of programs are commonplace within any market, Kudler needs to devel op a complete database system, with including current and former customers. This database is used specifically for advertising of the new program and data collection of sales. Kudler would need to update or create a new website to add this new program and help customers understand the benefits of registering for the program. Legally Kudler needs to stay within the boundaries set up for E-commerce. The rules for online business and e-mail advertisement are very far-reaching some of which include an opt-out link that allows any consumer to stop receiving e-mail advertisements. This must be easily viewable and verifiable to the recipient for online spam advertisement. Electronic contracts are legal and binding along with electronic signatures, these forms of agreements must have legal disclaimers visible for the customer to read. These are just a few of many other legal ramifications that Kudler would need to investigate and consider before moving forward. Ethical considerations are also vital to both the customers and Kudler Fine Foods when implementing the shoppers program. Any customers who register with Kudler’s shoppers program understand that all personal information given to Kudler will not be given or sold to another company without the express approval of the customer. Kudler has to take into consideration that registration online has to be implemented with the highest security software on the market. Protection of sensitive data is vital to the success of any online purchases or programs. Pornographic material and anything refereeing to pornography is prohibited by law. Breaches of contractual agreements are also considered unethical. Therefore, Kudler must have strict policy and procedures in place to alleviate any of the above issues. This would keep Kudler ethically stable and help with any other issues that will come into light. The main understanding that Kudler Fine Foods would have to embrace is that the company is fully responsible for what is placed on their website and also what they are offering to their customers as an incentive. Kudler Fine Foods has to identify within the scope of this project the development of the frequent shoppers program specific security measures. The main initiative is to secure private data and deter any unauthorized access. The main and formidable issue here is that the Frequent Shoppers Program will enable Kudler Fine Foods to still make a profit. The return on the investment with this new program has to exceed its monetary cost factor to stay viable. The stores have to identify other cost saving measures for this program to stay solvent for years to come. Keeping up to day records in a management system will also help save time and money while understanding where money is spent and where it is saved. Investing in the Shoppers program will take considerable money to start with. The long-term gain if managed properly can make Kudler Foods more lucrative in the future. Managing the marketing and advertising expenses must be a number one priority along with investing in upgrades of the website and possible market research. Concluding this program will rely on reports regarding expenditures, which should be collected over a period several prior years. This will give Kudler a baseline for future gains or losses. This will also let Kudler Fine Foods see if the program is profitable from each succeeding year. Gains and losses, extreme scrutiny and constant tweaking of the program its website and security infrastructure will have to be made in order for this program to be a success. Reference Apollo Group, I. (2007, 2010, 2011). Kudler Fine Foods. Retrieved November 26, 2012, from Sales and Marketing: https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/secure/aapd/cist/vop/Business/Kudler2/intranet/marketing-overview.asp

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Some Cat Saved Your Grandma :: essays research papers fc

Some Cat Saved Your Grandma Animal rights activists are constantly preaching about how doctors and scientists should give up testing on their cute furry little creatures because it not only causes the animal pain but also the activists’ pain. They just can’t stand seeing Fido and Fluffy in such nauseating conditions and being injected several times until their body gives out, and they can’t stand the sight or even hearing about the poor little Siamese kitten who’s eyes are bloodshot with tests for makeup samples. These activists also believe that alternative methods of testing products are more productive than animal testing, and that the scientists who conduct the tests on the animals are vicious and care nothing towards animals. They are also known to believe that animal testing makes no contribution to society and that clean water and good sanitation, not vaccines and antibiotics, are the solutions to the world’s problems (O’Donell).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Besides being utterly unreasonable with their myths of animal cruelty, animal rights activists are being perfectly hypocritical. If anyone has been hindered by a stroke, any head or spinal cord injuries, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, or any type of surgery they have been helps by the results of animal testing. Without the help of animal testing Polio would still kill and cripple thousands of adults and children, doctors would not have chemotherapy to save children suffering from lymphocytic leukemia, 7,500 newborns would develop cerebral palsy, and smallpox would still be here to kill more than the two million it has already killed (Americans for Medical Progress Educational Foundation. â€Å"Without†).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Picture a tall apartment building burning down in furious flames. You are the only person left alive in the still burning building, and you hear two cries for help. One is a pleading meow for safety of tiny pure black kitten, but the other is a desperate and loud scream calling, ‘Help! Help!† You can see that this cry comes from a small, skinny boy, no older than six, and he is shaking uncontrollably due to his server cerebral palsy condition. You are running out of time and can only save the life of either the kitten or the boy. Which would you choose?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It’s only natural to choose the boy over the kitten. Imagine telling this little boy’s mother and father about your striking decision and then telling them, â€Å"but the kitten was so small and cute! I couldn’t just leave it there! Sorry about your boy.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

After Hope And Change

Despite winning reelection, President Obama had joined a group of three to her previous incumbents (Eisenhower, Wilson, and Clinton) who had all entered office origin anally with a united government in their very first term and then won reelection with a did vided government. Obama had lost his seats on the House of Representatives. Will on was the only other president in history to lose more seats than President Obama. The novel speaks on how five incumbent presidents since 1 896 had lost reel action and then begins to explain why those same factors didn't apply to President Obama.Us memorize the four arguments the authors make. There are multiple reasons Barrack Beam's 201 2 presidential reelection was slight victory although he won reelection, it was fairly close in the polls. The opponent NT Mitt Rooney didn't have a proficient performance when he had to present his plan NSA on if he was to be elected, not only did this show some of his flaws as a speaker but al so as a candidate . Rooney had way too many weak points that Obama was able to TA eke advantage of to convince the American people he was still their best option. R money pushed his few advantages way too far.He stayed on one topic the entire Tim e and would mindlessly talk about that same subject, which was a flaw on his part especial Y close to the elections. If Mitt Rooney had given better speeches and realized some of his mistakes before elections, the outcome may have been different in 2012. Summarize the arguments that the authors made concerning the results from the 2012 elections and what they may tell us about the 2016 elections. The first point made by the authors uses statistics to predict that the president till election in 2016 will be a battle for the most swing states.In 2012, Barrack Obama had gained the states that he won in his previous election. These states had also been the as me couple dates that the last three democratic presidential candidates had also won as well. Rooney had also won the states that previous republican candidates had won as well. There were only n,vow states that had changed between the 2008 and 2012 elections. Became use of how the republicans have lost the last two presidential elections (Including the 201 2 elections), they have some serious work to do and they must pull off swinging multiple s dates in the 201 6 elections (something that hasn't happened in half a century).The second point of the chapter speaks on the changes in demography. In bet when the ears of 2008 and 201 2 percentages of the ethnic groups that vote democrat increased very high. These voter increases were very noticeable with an increase in youth h support, especially for democrats. Without any explanation the numbers of ethnic race s that vote republican dropped. The very republican votes that dropped during the elect On W ere surprisingly white males. This made an impression that the youth were in co melt support of Obama. This is important because in the futu re it would seem that they will go on to support the democrats.At the same time it is very possible that the turn UT was quite low in the 201 2 race turnout for many favorable republican categories w as quite lower than expected. Minorities refused to vote for Mitt Rooney simply because SE their identity with him was almost nonexistent if he would become the next preside .NET. This very fact coupled those not in support of Obama, this led to people not voting at all, which severely hurt the republican parry's chances of winning the race. Minor ties can always change their mind on who they will vote for or even if they should vote at all depending on the status of the economy at that time.That very fact may lead o the republicans doing better with appeal to the minorities in the 2016 elections, a ND they could sway them, especially if no democrat could like President Obama. The final point discusses the reasoning of both democrats and republicans. D emaciates have always been focused on social justice, and the use of more federal govern moment plans, and redistributions policies. Democratic policies will be in full support of those whose jobs are given to by the government and those who receive benefits FRR mom the government (welfare, healthcare, etc).Meanwhile, the republicans are focuses on lowering taxes from the government, dividend liberty in the economic arena, a achieving a small federal government. The Democrats Will have those who chi goose to receive benefits from the government policies gravitate to their side, while re publicans will always focus on bringing rich businessmen who support themselves to the Eire side. Many republicans have joined the party because they are tired of an overpower erring federal government and paying high taxes.Chapter 2 Questions What were the issues and characteristics of politics arising from President b mama's first term hat figured in the 201 2 election. Give brief summaries Of what was involved I n these issues and the positions that Democrats and Republicans held in order to demonstrate t hat you have a general understanding of these issues. The unemployment rate during the recent recession was very shaky going up and down during the years of 2010, 2011 , 2012. There was a brief boom of jobs created during this period, this would end up disintegrating within a short period of time.Demo rats had originally said that during the time of President Beam's first term that he ha d actually ordered the high unemployment rate in America. Republicans were found to have said that because of how slowly the improvement of the economy has been, press dent Beam's policies in office slowed down the natural progress of improving the economy. This made their case for the recession being one of the longest ever. The flourishing of the nationwide deficit and debt rolled over onto President Beam's first term in 2008. In the â€Å"Obama era†, the national debt never fell below the amount off trillion dolla rs.The average in the first term was 1. 33 trillion dollars. This peer entangle was appalling because no one could have possibly predicted such a number a coo plea yea RSI before Beam's election. The overall federal spending amount of the GAP ha d increased nearly 5% from 2007 to 2012. Republicans went on to say that Barrack Obama presidency was the true cause of all of the spending. To counter that statement NT, Democrats had responded saying that an increase in the deficit was just as UN avoidable as the last President who happened to be a republican (George W.Bush) who ha d originally put America in this very predicament. Political popularization had become a big problem during Beam's first term. In such a divided government, reaching an agreement between both democrats and re publicans was extremely difficult. What did the 2010 midterms reveal about politics nationally? It was revealed that the American people were heavily in support of Republican NSA Simply because President Be am's first term had not been the best in the â€Å"popularity y contest†. It exposed many of the ideologies of the American people with the unveiling of a now completely divided government.How did President Obama improve his political position leading into the election? President Obama began to improve his political position by lowering the socio I security tax by two percent of the original price in December of 201 1. This was to been fit lower income workers whose payroll tax was more than their income tax. Such a pop were play in office proved that Obama was in support Of the lower and middle classes and that unlike republicans the upper class wasn't a priority. The Occupy Wall Street Movement that began in mid September 2011 also boo Existed President Obama.The movement/ strike blamed the top â€Å"one percent' of the country (Rich) for all the problems with the current economy. The movement also bell paved that he 1% has benefited while the rest of the country is in suf fering. Obama had decided that he was indeed support of those who weren't wealthy which politically is a strong decision because it accounts for 99% of the nation President Obama benefited from the reports of his speech after the beginning Eng of The Occupy Movement stating that the unemployment rate had actually fallen fro m 9% to 8. % within the time period of early December 2011 to late March 2012. Chapter 3 Questions What reasons do the authors give as to why it was unlikely that Mitt Rooney would win the nomination? It was very unlikely that Mitt Rooney would end up winning the nomination f president because he was seen as â€Å"an uncomfortable fit† because he only fit n one of the three factions of the GOP.He appealed to many of the old school republicans with his strong corporate background in big business, but was considered to be very weak with the other two factions of the GOP (social and Christian conservatives care about t he laws of abortion, same sex marriage, and other concerns). The book describes two structural changes that had an impact on the amino Zion process: Republicans limiting winner aka all primaries until after April 1 and the changes in the laws regulating campaign finance. Summarize both changes and the effect they ha d on the nomination campaigns.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Broad Environment Essay

Knowing the Unknown about the Broad Environment University of Tampa MGT 431 Practical Strategic Assessment Dr. George Bud Wynn June 09, 2009 Abstract In â€Å"Foundations in Strategic Management†, pages 21 to 27, author Harrison discusses the influence that the external environment has on a particular company’s operations and how its managers can adapt to environmental uncertainties to sustain their competitive advantages. Harrison also points out why it is important for firm to analyze and evaluate its broad environment. He also mentions how managers can analyze and evaluate external forces and devise strategies to complement the rapid-changing environment in order for their company to be competitive throughout and take advantage of its strengths and minimize its threats. He further divides the broad environment into four sub-headings (socio-cultural, economical, technological and political/legal) and states why each is important and the effect each have on a company’s operations. The purpose of the paper focuses more on informing the reader of the importance of evaluating a particular company’s broad environment. The paper also includes a review of and my opinion on what I think firms and their managers should be aware of when it comes to their company’s broad environment. The Importance of the Broad Environment to Managers Before the 1990’s, if a business had a competitive advantage and opened its doors to the general public, it was almost guaranteed success. However, such cases no longer exist. In modern times, companies with competitive advantages such as sufficient resources, skilled workers, superior technologies and the like can still go under due to the ever-changing environment. Nowadays, successful businesses are shifting focus from just having a competitive advantage in one or two areas, to maximizing on the relevant information that its managers have about its operation environment; including the broad and task environment. In order to operate a successful business, it is important for managers to have a comprehensive understanding of its broad environment in which it plans to operate. The broad environment includes socio-cultural, economical, technological, and political/legal forces which have an effect on how the company plans to gain a profitable market share. Such comprehensive understanding allows managers to save valuable time and money; subsequently making their business profitable. Due to the uncertainties of the rapidly changing economy, it is almost required by top performing firms to research the broad environment; even if its plan to merge or joint venture with another firm elsewhere. In addition, such research is also highly recommended for companies that plan to do business globally; if the company wishes to create a buffer from potential losses. Also, companies that analyze the broad environment effectively are able to maximize its advantages and opportunities while limiting weaknesses and threats. In conclusion, successful firms must recognize the importance of the broad environment in order to take advantage of its strengths and opportunities while minimizing its weaknesses and threats. Well-defined researches coupled with a complete understanding of a company’s broad environment are always important because, when done properly, it can enable companies to seize potential market areas and dominate a particular geographical location. Maintaining a complete understanding of the broad environment is vital to a company’s success. Understanding the broad environment is important for many reasons. Socio-cultural forces occur randomly and without warning. Many firms experience difficulties with these forces many times during operations. Examples of socio-cultural forces range from the influence of terrorism on the economy to the legality of abortion. Proper socio-cultural assessment enables firms to minimize its threats from potential restrictive legislation. Firms which are aware of pending restrictive law changes can avoid huge fines and penalties. In addition, managers should spend ample time researching law changes in order to save their company from falling intothese traps. Managers who are aware of demographic and economic changes in society can take advantage of opportunities that their competition fails to recognize. For example, a careful study of a firm’s social environment can gather information on what products/services or lifestyles people from a particular neighborhood purchase or prefer. In conclusion, a thorough understanding of socio-cultural forces can enable managers to gain from their knowledge about its societal operations and make it work to the best interest of their business. This will enable them to take advantage of strengths while also minimizing their threats. Economic forces play a critical part in the understanding of a firm’s broad environment. Factors such as interest rates, economic growth and inflation are important variables which managers must be aware of in order to process their broad environment effectively. Without such knowledge, it would be almost impossible to run an effective and efficient business and establish a competitive advantage. Furthermore, information gained from economic forces enables managers to allocate resources while allowing time to seek other investment opportunities. For example, multinational firms can benefit from favorable exchange rates. In order words, an understanding of fluctuations in exchange rates can lead such firms to purchase raw materials in countries where their own currency is superior to that of the foreign country. On the other hand, without knowledge of inflation, companies can suffer huge losses when investing in these countries. As a result, managers must be aware of such economical changes beforehand in order to make educated decisions that can assist their company’s growth and production. Another broad environment which managers should be aware of is technology. Nowadays, technology is changing the ways individuals and firms do business. New innovations such as the internet, handheld computers, and direct satellite systems are making it much easier for firms to purchase, deliver, and sell its products/services. Firms must be aware of and adapt to new technological changes in order to stay ahead of its competition in the fight for market shares and profits. If not, these companies are bound to fail or file for bankruptcy. Most firms are pumping millions of dollars into research and development in order to find new ways of improving its product’s life cycle which will in turn, generate more revenue and satisfy customer. One of the world leaders in electronic supply, the Sony Corporation of America, has developed new ideas to save its customer time and money. As a result, Sony is one of the main leaders in its industry and continues to see profits soar in 2008. According to one official, one of its newest inventions, â€Å"Eye on Education†, â€Å"[e]ducation educators receive competitive pricing, exclusive service and support capabilities, financing options, and trade-in opportunities for Sony professional display products. † Technology awareness and continuous improvement in its research and department hasled the company to success over the years. In modern times, in order for any one company to be effective, managers must be aware of the technological forces that can assist their companies to save money, andtime; subsequently improving the business purpose and values. Finally, close attention must be geared towards political/legal forces which can change the company’s focus or purpose in one way or another. Government regulations can alter the ways in which companies wish to perform its business in terms of locally or globally. Therefore, managers must pay attention to different types of changes that their companies might undertake if there is a desire to join multiple or particular industries. Government normally provides advantages to some businesses in the form of tax incentives which promote ethical behavior and remind firms of its responsibilities. Managers who are vigilant can take advantage of these incentives. Overall, a comprehensive understanding of a company’s broad environment such as socio-cultural, economical, technological, and political/legal forces are an essential assessment that needs to be considered before a merger, joint venture, acquisition, or even to successfully run a business. On the other hand, trained personnel must carry out such researches in order to avoid huge losses and business failure. Also, integrated understanding coupled with awareness can provide managers with information on what types of products/services to offer, sell, customers, delivery, and the like to enable their business to accomplish its goals. Assessments are highly recommended for starting up and strugglingcompanies and businesses which wish to operate globally. If somehow a particular set of managers can make a reasonable assessment of its company’s broad environment, they are almost guaranteed to run an effective and efficient company.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Medieval Clothing and Fabrics in the Middle Ages

Medieval Clothing and Fabrics in the Middle Ages In medieval times, as today, both fashion and necessity dictated what people wore. And both fashion and necessity, in addition to cultural tradition and available materials, varied across the centuries of the Middle Ages and across the countries of Europe. After all, no one would expect the clothes of an eighth-century Viking to bear any resemblance to those of a 15th-century Venetian. So when you ask the question What did a man (or woman) wear in the Middle Ages? be prepared to answer some questions yourself.  Where did he live? When did he live? What was his station in life (noble, peasant, merchant, cleric)? And for what purpose might he be wearing a particular set of clothes? Types of Materials Used in Medieval Clothing The many types of synthetic and blended fabrics people wear today were simply not available in medieval times.  But this didnt mean that everyone wore heavy wool, burlap, and animal skins. Different textiles were manufactured in a range of weights and could vary greatly in quality. The more finely woven the textile was, the softer and more costly it would be. Various fabrics, such as taffeta, velvet, and damask were made from textiles like silk, cotton, and  linen using specific weaving techniques. These were not generally available in the earlier Middle Ages, and were among the more expensive fabrics for the extra time and care it took to make them. Materials available for use in medieval clothing included: Wool By far the most common fabric of the Middle Ages (and the core of the flourishing textile industry), wool was knitted or crocheted into garments, but it was more likely woven. Depending on how it was made, it could be very warm and thick, or light and airy. Wool was also felted for hats and other accessories. Linen Almost as common as wool, linen was  made from the flax plant and theoretically available to all classes. Growing flax was labor-intensive and making linen was time-consuming, however. Since the fabric wrinkled easily, it wasnt often found in garments worn by poorer folk. Fine linen was used for the veils and wimples of ladies, undergarments, and a wide variety of apparel and household furnishings.​ Silk Luxurious and costly, silk was used only by the wealthiest of classes and the Church.   Hemp Less costly than flax, hemp and nettles were used to create workaday fabrics in the Middle Ages. Though more common for such uses as sails and rope, hemp may also have been used for aprons and undergarments. Cotton Cotton doesnt grow well in cooler climes, so its use in medieval garments was less common in northern Europe than wool or linen. Still, a cotton industry existed in southern Europe in the 12th century, and cotton became an occasional alternative to linen. Leather The production of leather goes back to prehistoric times. In the Middle Ages, leather was used for shoes, belts, armor, horse tackle, furniture, and a wide assortment of everyday products. Leather could be dyed, painted, or tooled in a variety of fashions for ornamentation. Fur In early medieval Europe, fur was common, but thanks in part to the use of animal skins by Barbarian cultures, it was considered too crass to wear in public. It was, however, used to line gloves and outer garments. By the tenth century, fur came back into fashion, and everything from beaver, fox, and sable to vair (squirrel), ermine, and marten was used for warmth and status. Colors Found in Medieval Clothing Dyes came from a lot of different sources, some of them far more expensive than others.  Still, even the humble peasant could have colorful clothing. Using plants, roots, lichen, tree bark, nuts, crushed insects, mollusks, and iron oxide, virtually every color of the rainbow could be achieved. However, adding color was an extra step in the manufacturing process that raised its price, so clothing made from an undyed fabric in various shades of beige and off-white was not uncommon among the poorest folk. A dyed fabric would fade fairly quickly if it wasnt mixed with a mordant, and bolder shades required either longer dyeing times or more expensive dyes. Thus, the fabrics with the brightest and richest colors cost more and were, therefore, most often found on the nobility and the very rich. One natural dye that did not require a mordant was  woad,  a flowering plant that yielded a dark blue dye. Woad was used so extensively in both professional and home dyeing that it became known as Dyers Woad, and garments of a variety of blue shades could be found on people of virtually every level of society. Garments Worn Under Medieval Clothing Throughout much of the Middle Ages and in most societies, the undergarments worn by both men and women didnt substantially change. Basically, they consisted of a shirt or under-tunic, stockings or hose, and some kind of underpants or breeches for men. There is no evidence that women regularly wore underpants - but with a matter of such delicacy that the garments became known as unmentionables, this isn’t surprising. Women may have worn underpants, depending on their resources, the nature of their outer garments, and their personal preferences. Medieval Hats, Caps, and Head Coverings Virtually everyone wore something on their heads in the Middle Ages, to keep off the sun in hot weather, to keep their heads warm in cold weather, and to keep dirt out of their hair. Of course, as with every other type of garment, hats could indicate a persons job or their station in life and could make a fashion statement. But hats were especially important socially, and to knock someones hat off his or her head was a grave insult that, depending on the circumstances, could even be considered assault. Types of mens hats included wide-brimmed straw hats, close-fitting coifs of linen or hemp that tied under the chin like a bonnet, and a wide variety of felt, cloth or knitted caps. Women wore veils and wimples. Among the fashion-conscious nobility of the High Middle Ages, some fairly complex hats and head rolls for men and women were in vogue. Both men and women wore hoods, often attached to capes or jackets but sometimes standing alone. Some of the more complicated mens hats were actually hoods with a long strip of fabric in the back that could be wound around the head. A common accouterment for men of the working classes was a hood attached to a short cape that covered just the shoulders. Medieval Nightwear You may have heard that in the Middle Ages, everyone slept naked. Like most generalizations, this cant be perfectly accurate - and in cold weather, it is so unlikely it becomes painfully ridiculous. Illuminations, woodcuts, and other period artwork illustrate medieval people in bed in different attire. Some are unclothed, but just as many are wearing simple gowns or shirts, some with sleeves. Though we have virtually no documentation regarding what people wore to bed, from these images we can glean that those who wore nightdress could have been clad in an under-tunic (possibly the same one theyd worn during the day) or even in a lightweight gown made especially for sleeping, depending on their financial status. As it is true today, what people wore to bed depended on their resources, the climate, family custom, and their own personal preferences. Sumptuary Laws Clothing was the quickest and easiest way to identify someones status and station in life. The monk in his cassock, the servant in his livery, the peasant in his simple tunic were all instantly recognizable, as was the knight in armor or the lady in her fine gown. Whenever members of the lower strata of society blurred the lines of social distinction by wearing clothing ordinarily found only among the upper classes, people found it unsettling, and some saw it as downright offensive. Throughout the medieval era, but especially in the later Middle Ages, laws were passed to regulate what could and could not be worn by members of different social classes. These laws, known as sumptuary laws, not only attempted to maintain the separation of the classes, they also addressed excessive expenditures on all sorts of items. The clergy and more pious secular leaders had concerns about the conspicuous consumption the nobility was prone to, and sumptuary laws were an attempt to reign in what some found to be distastefully ostentatious displays of wealth. Although there are known cases of prosecution under sumptuary laws, they seldom worked. It was difficult to police everyones purchases. Since the punishment for breaking the law was usually a fine, the very rich could still acquire whatever they pleased and pay the price with hardly a second thought. Still, the passage of sumptuary laws persisted through the Middle Ages. The Evidence There are exceedingly few garments surviving from the Middle Ages. The exceptions are the apparel found with the bog bodies, most of whom died before the medieval period, and a handful of rare and costly items preserved through extraordinary good fortune. Textiles simply cannot withstand the elements, and unless they are buried with metal, they will deteriorate in the grave without a trace. How, then, do we really know what people wore? Traditionally, costumers and historians of material culture have turned to period artwork. Statues, paintings, illuminated manuscripts, tomb effigies, even the extraordinary Bayeux Tapestry all depict contemporaries in medieval dress. But great care must be taken when evaluating these representations. Often contemporary for the artist was a generation or two too late for the subject. Sometimes, there was no attempt at all to represent a historical figure in clothing appropriate to the figures time period. And unfortunately, most of the picture books and magazine series produced in the 19th century, from which a large percentage of modern histories are drawn, are based on misleading period artwork. Many of them further mislead with inappropriate colors and the casual addition of anachronistic garments. Matters are further complicated by the fact that terminology is not consistent from one source to the next. There are no period documentary sources fully describing garments and providing their names. The historian must pick up these bits of scattered data from a wide range of sources - including wills, account books, and letters - and interpret exactly what is meant by each item mentioned. There is nothing straightforward about medieval clothing history. The truth is, the study of medieval clothing is in its infancy. With any luck, future historians will break open the treasure trove of facts about medieval clothing and share its riches with the rest of us. Until then, we amateurs and non-specialists must take our best guess based on what little weve learned. Sources Dickson, Brandy. Cotton is Period? Really? Brandy Dickson, 2004-2008. Houston, Mary G. Medieval Costume in England and France: The 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Dover Fashion and Costumes, Kindle Edition, Dover Publications, August 28, 2012. Jenkins, David (Editor). The Cambridge History of Western Textiles 2 Volume Hardback Boxed Set. Hardcover, Cambridge University Press; Slp edition, September 29, 2003. Kà ¶hler, Carl. A History of Costume. Dover Fashion and Costumes, Kindle Edition, Dover Publications, May 11, 2012. Mahe, Yvette, Ph.D. History of Fur in Fashion 10th to 19th Century. Fashion Time, February 19, 2012. Medieval Veils, Wimples and Gorgets. Rosalie Gilbert. Netherton, Robin. Medieval Clothing and Textiles. Gale R. Owen-Crocker, Hardcover, The Boydell Press, July 18, 2013. Norris, Herbert. Medieval Costume and Fashion. Paperback, Dover Publications Inc., 1745. Piponnier, Francoise. Dress in the Middle Ages. Perrine Mane, Caroline Beamish (Translator), Paperback, Yale University Press, August 11, 2000. Priest, Carolyn. Period Leather-working techniques. Thora Sharptooth, Ron Charlotte, John Nash, I. Marc Carlson, 1996, 1999, 2001. Virtue, Cynthia. How to be a HOOD-lum: Medieval hoods. Cynthia Virtue, 1999, 2005. Virtue, Cynthia. How to make a Coif: 1 and 3 piece patterns. Cynthia Virtue, 1999-2011. Virtue, Cynthia. Mens Stuffed-Roll Hats. Cynthia Virtue, 2000. Virtue, Cynthia. Womens Roll Hats. Cynthia Virtue, 1999. Zajaczkowa, Jadwiga. Hemp and Nettle. Slovo, Jennifer A Heise, 2002-2003.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

History of St. Valentines Day in the 1800s

History of St. Valentines Day in the 1800s Commemorations of St. Valentine’s Day are rooted in the distant past. In the Middle Ages the tradition of choosing a romantic partner on that particular saints day began because it was believed that birds began mating on that day. Yet there doesnt seem to be any evidence that the historical Saint Valentine, an early Christian martyred by the Romans, had any connections to either birds or romance. In the 1800s, stories abounded that the roots of St. Valentine’s Day reached back to Rome and the festival of Lupercalia on the 15th of February, but modern scholars discount that idea. Despite the holidays mysterious and puzzling roots, it is obvious that people have observed St. Valentine’s Day for centuries. The famed London diarist Samuel Pepys mentioned observances of the day in the mid-1600s, complete with elaborate gift-giving among the wealthier members of society. The History of Valentine Cards It seems that the writing of special notes and letters for Valentine’s Day gained widespread popularity in the 1700s. At that time the romantic missives would have been handwritten, on ordinary writing paper. Papers made especially for Valentine greetings began to be marketed in the 1820s, and their use became fashionable in both Britain and the United States. In the 1840s, when postal rates in Britain became standardized, commercially produced Valentine cards began to grow in popularity. The cards were flat paper sheets, often printed with colored illustrations and embossed borders. The sheets, when folded and sealed with wax, could be mailed. The American Valentine Industry Began in New England According to legend, an English Valentine received by a woman in Massachusetts inspired the beginnings of the American Valentine industry. Esther A. Howland, a student at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, began making Valentine cards after receiving a card produced by an English company. As her father was a stationer, she sold her cards in his store. The business grew, and she soon hired friends to help her make the cards. And as she attracted more business her hometown of Worcester, Massachusetts became the center of the American Valentine production. St. Valentines Day Became a Popular Holiday in America By the mid-1850s the sending of manufactured Valentine’s Day cards was popular enough that the New York Times published an editorial on February 14, 1856 sharply criticizing the practice: Our beaux and belles are satisfied with a few miserable lines, neatly written upon fine paper, or else they purchase a printed Valentine with verses ready made, some of which are costly, and many of which are cheap and indecent. In any case, whether decent or indecent, they only please the silly and give the vicious an opportunity to develop their propensities, and place them, anonymously, before the comparatively virtuous. The custom with us has no useful feature, and the sooner it is abolished the better. Despite the outrage from the editorial writer, the practice of sending Valentines continued to flourish throughout the mid-1800s. Popularity of the Valentine Card Boomed After the Civil War In the years following the Civil War, newspaper reports indicated that the practice of sending Valentines was actually growing. On February 4, 1867, the New York Times interviewed Mr. J.H. Hallett, who was identified as the â€Å"Superintendent of the Carrier Department of the City Post Office.† Mr. Hallett provided statistics which stated that in the year 1862 post offices in New York City had accepted 21,260 Valentines for delivery. The following next year showed a slight increase, but then in 1864 the number dropped to only 15,924. A huge change occurred in 1865, perhaps because the dark years of the Civil War were ending. New Yorkers mailed more than 66,000 Valentines in 1865, and more than 86,000 in 1866. The tradition of sending Valentine cards was turning into a big business. The February 1867 article in the New York Times reveals that some New Yorkers paid exorbitant prices for Valentines: It puzzles many to understand how one of these trifles can be gotten up in such shape as to make it sell for $100; but the fact is that even this figure is not by any means the limit of their price. There is a tradition that one of the Broadway dealers not many years ago disposed of no less than seven Valentines which cost $500 each, and it may be safely asserted that if any individual was so simple as to wish to expend ten times that sum upon one of these missives, some enterprising manufacturer would find a way to accommodate him. Valentine Cards Could Hold Lavish Gifts The newspaper explained that the most expensive Valentines actually held hidden treasures hidden inside the paper: Valentines of this class are not simply combinations of paper gorgeously gilded, carefully embossed and elaborately laced. To be sure they show paper lovers seated in paper grottoes, under paper roses, ambushed by paper cupids, and indulging in the luxury of paper kisses; but they also show something more attractive than these paper delights to the overjoyed receiver. Receptacles cunningly prepared may hide watches or other jewelry, and, of course, there is no limit to the lengths to which wealthy and foolish lovers may go. In the late 1860s, most Valentines were modestly priced, and targeted toward a mass audience. And many were designed for humorous effect, with caricatures of particular professions or ethnic groups. Indeed, many Valentines in the late 1800s were intended as jokes, and the sending of humorous cards was a fad for many years. Victorian Valentines Could Be Works of Art The legendary British illustrator of children’s books  Kate Greenaway designed Valentines in the late 1800s which were enormously popular. Her Valentine designs sold so well for the card publisher, Marcus Ward, that she was encouraged to design cards for other holidays. Some of Greenaway’s illustrations for Valentine cards were collected in a book published in 1876, ​Quiver of Love: A Collection of Valentines. By some accounts, the practice of sending Valentine cards fell off in the late 1800s, and only revived in the 1920s. But the holiday as we know it today firmly has its roots in the 1800s.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Relationship between GDP and the quality of life in Brazil Research Paper

Relationship between GDP and the quality of life in Brazil - Research Paper Example 81). Scope of Research The companies that are able to take the proactive mindset should have the capability to rebuild several business strategies with the objective of shaping a better future to taste success. The aim of the thesis is to devise a win-win situation that benefits the communities and the corporate bottom lines in a similar fashion. Thesis Statement What are implications of corporate involvement in order to solve social problems? Literature Review According to Dominic Barton, the operating environment of business is experiencing radical transformation. The going concerns are getting influenced by demographical, technological and societal factors. It can be anticipated that the above mentioned trends will affect the operating environment, but it is surprising to witness the confluence of the trends. He states a wave of transformation on the way. Elizabeth Stevenson sought to examine the size or the scope of the changes. The time calls for examination of whether the move is towards venturing into new markets, or ways to survive efficiently. The operating environment will be influenced in a different fashion if the move is towards overcoming the scarcity of resources or interacting with the authorities in a different way. According to Patrick Viguerie, examination of the demand pools will reveal that the revenue leaders of today will not be in a sustainable position in the coming years as far as unit leadership in emerging markets is concerned. This means that the new world will witness new leaders. He stated that companies opt to view the short term while deriving strategies. Several insertion points were put forwarded by Sven Smith. The strategies should be informed by some upfront section along with some trends that will contribute to promotion of new businesses. The section can be undertaken on a monthly or annual basis. Research is required to determine the degree of the position of the resources against the trends as well as to make a second st rategy if the undertaken strategy sinks (Belgard & Rayner, 2004, p. 4). The forecasted trends are easy to be embedded into the strategic planning processes but in a tricky fashion. A long term trend embedded into the planning process can be a throwaway in the initial stages. The existing challenge is to engage line executives in order to recognize the trends, and if the trends are analyzed as forces of nature, it would be hard to recalculate again into the trajectory of the business keeping in mind the subsequent shifts. The tasks ahead of the global corporation are to contend with the amount of restructuring and shifting of portfolios that are anticipated to occur in the coming decade. The corporations need to analyze the nature of the shifts and build a conviction and find the right moves that will contribute to the creation of value. The implications of the trends will be profound. The coming years will witness multiple headquarters as the organizations will like to expand their operations. The pools of talent that has been created around the world now are sufficient to deal with the expansion plans. A competitive advantage lies in bringing the talent pools into the leadership arrangements and assimilates them into the borderless corporations. In order to unleash the talent, the corporation will have to reengineer the society and the economy and provide